Tuesday 18 February 2014

A digital culture requires digital commitment

Image: eschipul via Flickr
It's been well documented that organisations with a digital culture are the ones most successfully adapting to the changing face of business. 

Often that culture is being driven from the very top by digitally savvy CEOs like Jeff Bezos at Amazon, Howard Schultz at Starbucks and, formerly, Angela Ahrendts at Burberry. 

Some companies are opting to propel digital transformation by adding a Chief Digital Officer (CDO) to their senior ranks. 

Either way, businesses with a digital culture think about how every customer and employee interaction and every business process could be improved through the use of emerging technology and media. 

These businesses are digitally committed. 

And the commitment is asked of everyone. It's the responsibility of every team member to create value through digital. 

Digital is a core part of the overall strategy. Budgets reflect this. The digital vision, plans and results are talked about regularly. Goals are shared and aligned. The opportunity for the business is bigger than any one group or technology, and the behaviours that reflect this are the behaviours that are rewarded. 

To create a digital culture in your organisation think about how you can demonstrate, foster and reward digital commitment.